Beginners Guide to Horse Training

Beginners Guide to Horse Training

What do you know about training a horse…

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9:45 amFriday Morning

Dear Friend,

You have wanted a horse for years, but didn’t have a place to keep it. Now you have the land and you want to buy a horse or maybe you have already bought the horse, you just don’t know anything about training a horse. You don’t know where to start and you don’t want to hire a trainer because you want to be a big part of the training.

You are wondering if you have to go to school to learn to train a horse or do you learn from watching videos or even by just reading a book. Will a book tell you everything you need to know? For that matter will a video give you all the ins and outs of training a horse?

You know a little about riding, but those horses were already trained. You have never even been around an untrained horse. How hard can it be? You love animals and you love horses and horseback riding. You have plenty of room for a horse now. You talked to a trainer about training a horse…


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