Strength Training For Basketball

Strength Training for Basketball

Setting the Framework for Success

Have realistic expectations:
1. I want 100% of what you have left everyday
2. You must be more concerned with your own development than I am.

Provide the athlete a strategy for success:
1. Love the game
2. Be coachable
3. Have a motor.

Coach with consistency and intensity.
1. Build a plan that addresses the demands of the program
2. Establish a testing model that you can measure current and future teams by
3. Avoid favoritism
4. Be consistent with your discipline and your expectations
5. If your excited to train them, they will be excited to train
6. Show them you care, be empathetic there is more to life than just basketball.

• Two areas physical development and performance training
benefit a basketball program.

• Develop the Individual

Develop the team

The Individual

• Strength training increases an individuals value to the team by:

1. Building a body that is more resistant to injury.
2. Developing motor skills necessary for more efficient movement.
3. Improve multi directional force application for greater sprint speed, higher
jump heights, more explosive directional changes.
4. Improve the body’s ability to absorb these forces to further prevent injury as
athletes skill level increases.
5. Increasing lean muscle mass.
6. Decrease rest and recovery time from individual bouts of effort and long range
bouts of effort.
7. Increasing athletes total ability to complete larger volumes of deliberate work
day to day- week to week- month to month- year to year.
8. Improve individual confidence in ones ability to perform, and handle stress.
9. A combination of the above should increase the individuals ability learn more
complex/advanced training methods providing more usable skills sets in
games, for longer periods of time.

The Team

• In Team Training

1. Builds team chemistry to have athletes working together in a common environment under stress working toward common goals.
2. Teaches accountability and responsibility.
3. Creates a competitive environment where athletes can achieve immediate tangible feedback of their strengths and weakness’s compared to other teammates.
4. Teammates can encourage one another to push through self imposed
limitations for greater sports performance.
5. Allows coach an opportunity to praise individual athletes publicly, increasing an athletes drive and motivation to continue working at a high level of intensity.
6. Provides an environment to develop leadership and help instruct leaders how to lead appropriately.
7. Teaches teammates how to follow leadership.

What are UW’s Key Points of Emphasis for Training a
Basketball Player

• Starts with program identification:

1. Identify common injuries and causes: what areas pose the greatest threat to limiting practice and playing time for the athlete.

2. Identify common performance needs of the sport: Define strength, speed, mobility, and endurance needs for the style of play.

3. Identify head coach philosophy, practice model, team make up, and how you will be evaluated on your role within athlete development.

4. Identify your available resources- tools- and support systems.

Common Injuries and Causes seen
at UW

– Common injuries :
1. Ankles, Knees, Hips (Sprains- Tears- Tendonitis)

2. Causes:
1.Weak hamstrings and glutes
2. Poor proprioception and balance
3. Poor mobility in big toe- achillies- hamstrings- hip flexors- piriformis and

4. Fatigue, Joint pain, and Poor Movement Mechanics

What Do We Focus on When we Train?

1. Fundamental Movement Skills of human movement. Building strength and stability in 3 planes of motion.

2. Maximal Sprint Speed

3. Sprint speed endurance (anaerobic threshold training)

4. Must have a physical presence on both ends of the court, need to be STRONG

5. Vertical and horizontal jumping power

6. Decrease recovery time between bouts of work creating players that can recover at the foul line or during time outs.

7. Explosive lateral movement and change of direction

Our program demands a very high level of work capacity to perform at a high level
for 40 min or more, especially in the post season of play. We play a game of
catch us if you can from tip off to the final buzzer, all season long.

Fundamental Movements and Testing

1. Fundamental Movement Skills necessary for athlete assesment.

1. Lower Body: Squat 5-3-1RM Testing year round

2. Upper Body: Bench Press 10- 5-3-1RM Testing Year Round- and Chin Up Max Rep

3. Total Body Strength: Power Clean 3- 1 RM Testing

4. Maximal Sprint Speed: 30 yard sprint

5. Sprint Speed Endurance: Figure 8 Test

6. Agility: NBA Box Agility Test

7. Aerobic Endurance: 1 mile run All non-injured must run 5:35 or faster.

8. Vertical Power: Vertical Jump and Approach Jump

9. Horizontal Power: Broad Jump and Single Leg Broad Jump

10.Total body flexibility: Overhead Snatch Squat

11. Limb Length: Height- Reach- Wing Span

12. Body weight and Comp testing Guards 6-9% Post 7-11

Husky Training Program

1. Maximal Sprint speed:

1. Max effort lower body strength- core strength- running mechanics

2. Front and Back Squat- Clean Pulls- RDLs, Glute Hams and Leg Curls – Step Ups/ Lunges/ Single Leg Squat- Calf work

3. Sled pushes and pulls- foot speed drills, and sprint training.

4. Weighted Core work, core endurance work, and Static core work

5. Form running and sprint technique training

2. Sprint speed and endurance

1. Improve lactate threshold, and anaerobic fitness base with lactate threshold training and high intensity speed/ agility work.

2. Sled Pushes and Pulls with short rest periods

3. Multiple combinations and Supersets for lower body strength training exercises. Creating high levels of fatigue in a periodized fashion.

4. Early in Summer working on a Track- Stadium runs- 100yrd’s of lunges

5. Interval Treadmill sprints at varying inclines, Man Maker Treadmill Sprints

6. Our overall yearly practice model is up paced and always running.

Husky Training Program

1. Physical Presence on Both ends of the court:

1. Train to maximize total body strength and optimal body size through maximal effort work, hypertrophy training, and nutritional counseling.

2. Training outside of your comfort Zone to build mental stamina: need to create challenges often that cause an athlete to test courage and willingness to try.

Attacking the rim vs Offensiv Linemen, Boxing Glove wrestling matches, Wrestling matches under the rim while trying to score with a tennis ball, jumping over a table into high jump pit, man maker runs, waterfall sled pushes, training in gymnastic room, Tough Enough Friday conditioning circuit, get creative.

3. Teach them not to give up and never allowing a quitter’s mentality to enter the room, even if it means throwing out the original training plan for the day in an effort to keep the group focused.

They have to want to win every day more than you.

2. Vertical and horizontal jumping power

1. Maximal leg strength, Back Squat- Front Squat- Deadlift- Leg Press- Glute Ham Raises

2. Power Training- Power Cleans, Snatches, DB and BB Squat Jumps, Explosive Step Ups, Medicine Ball Throws, Box Jumps, Depth Jumps, Bounding, Band Resisted Vertical Horizontal and Lateral Jumping, Jump and Landing technique training. Any and every way we can overload triple extension we will explore in training.



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Regards, Coyalita

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