Fish Culture Compared to Importance with Agriculture

Fish Culture Compared to Importance with Agriculture


Fish Culture Compared to Importance with Agriculture – Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Speaker, the art of cultivating fish by artificial means is no new thing, it is not an untried theory, resting more in hope than in experience, but has passed from the ‘realm of experiment into absolute certainty. It has become a fixed art, and, although as yet scarcely developed, has grown into a business of considerable magnitude and great importance.

Persons unacquainted with the matter have little idea of the discoveries which have been made and the wonderful successes of those who have devoted themselves to the study and investigation of this subject, and do not appreciate the extent of the influence which it is certain to exercise on the future of this country, a country that is wonderfully blessed in this particular as in all others, and is adapted to fish culture to a degree that exists nowhere.


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