Millions of Ski & Snow-Board Students

Millions of Ski & Snow-Board Students


To Millions of Ski & Snow-Board Students
Green Acres Ski School Franchises everywhere
And For. . . anyone who notices how silly the Status-Quo World has gotten
since the early 1990s

THE PROHIBITION OF SNOW-BOARDING –  Students–whether you ski or try snowboarding– Did you ever notice the high drop-out rate among beginning snowboarders? That’s because you also have to learn the mountain and the snow– even where snowboarding is legal, skiing should be the prerequisite. Besides the ski-school fubar it’s caused, find out about:

The Great Terrain Robbery
by snowboarders from skiers
Why SnowBoarding Is a Crime
at several major ski areas. . . and against the Laws of Nature
How SnowBoarders Have Infected Skiers
with Terrain-Park ‘N-Trax’ & ‘D-Trax’
The Ski Industry’s Reformation
& Miss Information
that most-irresistible seductive non-polish beauty


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