One-On-One Basketball Moves

One-On-One Basketball Moves

One-On-One Basketball MovesOutside Live-Ball Moves Many times you will receive a pass on the court and find that, although you are guarded, you are the closest one to the basket. It’s now up to you to make a move with the ball so you can get off your shot. This is where you get to add your personal offensive touch. Being able to execute more than one of the following individual moves with the ball will greatly help you get free for your shot. Practice them when you’re alone, using different fakes and varied speeds. 

When you practice these moves, be sure that you turn, face the basket, and assume proper basketball position: your feet a shoulder’s width apart and pointed toward the basket, your knees are flexed, and your shoulders are facing the basket. If you are right-handed, keep the ball on your right side. If you are left-handed, keep it on your left side.


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